National Digital Library Polona
National Digital Library Polona presents the most interesting manuscripts from the collection of the national Library :
Copyright ® 2006 Biblioteka Narodowa
Psalterium. Latin, French. 13th century. Parchment. Ilum. 15,5 x 10,5 cm. K. 170 + VI. 19th century velvet binding. Rps BN I 8003 Psałterz wilanowski, called also Psałterz Potockich is a 13th century hand-written psalter. Thanks to its excellent painting technique, perfect drawings and conscientious execution of full-page miniatures, is regarded as one of the best works of Paris studios in the early Gothic period. It is ornamented with 4 fullpage miniatures, six figurative initials (which, in keeping with the principle adopted for this kind of psalter, mark the beginning of psalms), small calligraphic initials and colourful interlines. The Psalter, probably purchased in Paris at the beginning of the 19th century for Stanisław Kostka Potocki’s Wilanów Library, was transferred in 1932 to the National Library together with the Wilanów collections. In 1939 it was evacuated to Canada, whence it returned twenty years later.
List of manuscripts [Link]
Netherlands: Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections (MMDC)
Today all medieval manuscripts in the Netherlands are available on the website Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections (MMDC). The website provides a portal to a database with short, uniform descriptions and photographs of all medieval manuscripts in the Netherlands, about 6000 items in all. Jos Biemans, Special Professor of Medieval Manuscript Studies launched the website today in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, by making the first click on the homepage.
© Koninklijke Bibliotheek National Library of the Netherlands
The Hague KB 78 D 38 I & II. Bible, ca 1430. Maitre Alexandre. Détail f. 1 r.
§ Medieval snapshot
Medieval manuscripts provide a fascinating snapshot of the cultural and intellectual life of this period. Until now, information about these manuscripts and the related knowledge and expertise was dispersed, but MMDC brings all of this material together. MMDC has been set up by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the university libraries of Leiden, Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen, and the Atheneumbibliotheek Deventer and it is partly financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
§ One website for all manuscripts
MMDC is focussed on creating possibilities for progressive research based on medieval manuscripts, by building a database with uniform descriptions, digital images and links to facsimile editions and subject-specific websites. This way, all the disseminated information about medieval manuscripts in the Netherlands has been brought together and made available through one database. To benefit international use, all information is published in English.
§ Virtual platform
The website also contains more information on medieval books in the Netherlands. This website will function as a virtual platform for researchers and students in palaeography, art history, philology and other fields. Visitors will find an overview of all Dutch institutions with medieval books, along with information on the history of the collections, contact information and procedures of requesting manuscripts. The website also contains digital versions of several key out-of-print books about medieval manuscripts and an illustrated overview of medieval script.
For questions you can contact Saskia van Bergen, project coordinator
Parchment to Portal, tel.: 070-3140430, e-mail:
Medieval manuscripts in dutch collections [En ligne]
Palaeographical atlas
Manuscrits datés
Art de l’enluminure : L’évangéliare de Saint-Vaast
Parmi les trésors de la Bibliothèque d’Arras figure un magnifique évangélaire (ms 1045), livre de luxe, enrichi d’or, d’argent et de pourpre. Somptueusement décoré, ce manuscrit copié dans l’entourage de Charles le Chauve (seconde moitié du IXe s.), est une pièce maitresse du scriptorium de l’abbaye Saint-Vaast. Composée à l’usage liturgique du monastère (les péricopes mentionnent les deux fêtes de saint Vaast, au 6 février et au 1er octobre), il est un témoin précieux de la production de luxe de l’école franco-saxone.
La revue Art de l’Eluminure des Editions Faton publie dans leur numéro 22 (sept.-oct. 2007) une étude richement illustrée (42 f. décorés) sur l’évangélaire de Saint-Vaast d’Arras, due à Fabrizio Crivello, professeur à l’Université de Turin. L’article est accompagné d’une utile bibliographie.
En préambule Laurent Wiart et Pascal Rideau nous présentent les collections patrimoniales de la Bibliothèque municipale d’Arras.
Art de l’enluminure [Site en ligne]
Enluminures médiévales de la Bibliothèque municipale d’Arras [En ligne], numérisées sur le site Enluminures [En ligne]
Le livre d’heures revisité ~ The Book of Hours Re-examined
Colloque international
International Colloquium
Samedi 22 septembre 2007/ Saturday, September 22, 2007
Ecole du Louvre, Palais du Louvre,
Porte Jaujard,
Amphithéâtre Dürer
75001 Paris
Dans le cadre de l’exposition Peindre la piété: le livre d’heures [Lien] présentée par la librairie Les Eluminures est organisé un colloque international, dont voici le programme:
9:00 Coffee, Registration (pre-registration required)
Morning session Chair and Welcoming Remarks: Sandra Hindman
9:30 Session I Fleurons de l’histoire des livres d’heures / Some Famous Books of Hours Reconsidered
Roger S. Wieck, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York « The Hours of Catherine of Cleves: The Manuscript that Changed the World »
Eberhard König, Freie Universität Berlin « Twins in Attribution: The Case of the Grandes Heures de Rohan–A New Fashion or a Means to Better Understanding? »
10:30 Session II Paris capitale du livre / Paris Center of Book Production
Marie-Françoise Damongeot, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris « La circulation des modèles iconographiques: l’exemple d’un livre d’heures parisien (BNF N.a.l. 3115) »
Thierry Claerr, Direction du livre et de la lecture, Paris « L’édition d’Heures du 21 avril 1505, une oeuvre charnière dans la production de Thielman Kerver? »
Richard Rouse, University of California, Los Angeles « The Post-Mortem Inventory of a Parisian Sixteenth-Century Illuminator »
12:15 Lunch Break AFTERNOON SESSION Chair: Ariane Bergeron-Foote 1:15 Session I Questions autour des ateliers de livres d’heures / Workshops and the Study of Books of Hours
Marc Gil, Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille 3 « Picardie-Hainaut: quelques remarques sur certains livres d’heures produits au temps de Marmion et de ses successeurs immédiats »
Saskia van Bergen, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague « The Moerdrecht Masters and the Use of Stamps in Bruges Book Production »
Klara Broekhuijsen, University of Amsterdam « Decoration Programmes in Books of Hours by the Masters of the Dark Eyes »
2:45 Session II Les enlumineurs : études de cas / Some Individual Illuminators: Case Studies
Thierry Delcourt, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris « Un livre d’heures à l’usage de Troyes enluminé par Jean Colombe »
Anne Margreet W. As-Vijvers, Independent Scholar, The Netherlands « Manuscript Production in a Carmelite Convent: Cornelia von Wulfskercke and The Rokeghem Hours »
Mara Hofmann, The National Gallery, London « Matteo de Milano and The Hours of Dionora of Urbino (London, British Library, Yates Thompson 7) »
4:15 Synthèse et table ronde /Conclusion and round table
James Marrow, Princeton University and Stella Panayotova, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
6:00 Cocktail-visite de l’exposition Peindre la piété: Le livre d’heures
Cocktail and visit of the exhibition Picturing Piety: The Book of Hours
Le Louvre des Antiquaires
2 Place du Palais-Royal
75001 Paris
Tel. 33 1 42 60 15 58
Fax 33 1 41 15 00 25
Illustration: Heures de Jacques de Bréguille, Belgium, Brussels?, c. 1440-1450.
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Auteur du blog : Jean-Luc DEUFFIC