The Treasured Hunt: Collecting Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Past, Present, and Future
On November 2, 2007, the University of Pennsylvania and the Free Library of Philadelphia will present the following all-day symposium:
The Treasured Hunt: Collecting Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Past, Present, and Future
This symposium explores the motivations behind the collecting of manuscript books through case studies of historic collectors presented by scholars and by hearing from contemporary collectors themselves in a roundtable discussion. Speakers include:
~ Gifford Combs, Private Collector
~ Derick Dreher, Director, The Rosenbach Museum & Library: Of Private Collectors and Public Libraries: Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach and John Frederick Lewis [Lien]
~ Consuelo W. Dutschke, Curator of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Columbia University [Lien]
~ Richard Linenthal, Antiquarian Bookseller, Bernard Quaritch Ltd
~ William Noel, Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books, The Walters Art Museum [Lien]
~ David Rundle, History Faculty and Corpus Christi College, Oxford University: The Butcher of England and the Renaissance Arts of Book-Collecting
~ Lawrence J. Schoenberg, Private Collector [Lien]
~ Claire Richter Sherman, Research Associate Emerita, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art : The Manuscript Collection of King Charles V of France: The Personal and the Political
~ Toshiyuki Takamiya, Private Collector, Keio University [Lien]
~ James Tanis, Director of Libraries and Professor of History Emeritus, Bryn Mawr College: Migrating Manuscripts
~ Christopher de Hamel, Gaylord Donnelley Fellow Librarian, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University:The Manuscript Collection of C. L. Ricketts (1859-1941) [Lien]
The symposium will be followed by a reception at the Arthur Ross Gallery in the Fisher Fine Arts Library, featuring the exhibition \ »Treasured Pages: Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts from the Collections of the Free Library of Philadelphia\ » (on view from October 12, 2007, to January 6, 2008).
Programme [En ligne]
Enregistrement [En ligne]
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean, School of Arts & Sciences of the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Pennsylvania Libraries, the Department of the History of Art of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
FLP: Medieval manuscripts [En ligne]
Illustration: Free Library of Philadelphia, ms Lewis E185. Lewis Psalter. Paris, ca 1225/1250. Détail du f. 3r. Nativité. © Free Library of Philadelphia.
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Auteur du blog : Jean-Luc DEUFFIC