Institute of English Studies (University of London) : meetings
Medieval Manuscripts Seminar
All meetings at 5.30pm in the Dr Seng T Lee Centre, Senate House Library, 4th Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1
Meetings are free and are followed by a wine reception. Organiser: Pamela Robinson (Institute of English Studies)
18 October 2007
Elizabeth Solopova : Medieval English Psalters: Sacred Songs, Profane World
22 November 2007
Michelle Brown (Institute of English Studies) : Sidelong glances and silent screams: the emotional world of the Luttrell Psalter
6 December 2007
James Willoughby (St Peter’s College, Oxford) : Medieval Books at Eton, Winchester and other Learned Colleges
24 January 2008
Mary Carruthers (New York University) : Front pictures as study guides in Bodleian Library, MS Laud misc. 156, a text of Nicholas of Lyra’s Postillae
14 February 2008
Peter Kidd (London) : More-or-less defaced: Reconstructing the Acciaiuoli Hours
28 February 2008
Tim Bolton (Sotheby’s) : The buying and selling of manuscripts at auction in England for pleasure and profit: the first few centuries
The Institute of English Studies (University of London) is hosting the Book History Research Network Study Day on Friday, 26 October 2007. The theme of this term’s Study Day is \ »Rethinking the Book: Between Text and Para-Text\ », and will feature a keynote lecture by Dr Rowan Watson (Victoria and Albert Museum) on \ »Negotiating the Change: From Manuscript Books of Hours to Printed Prayer Books\ ». The day will conclude with a visit to the National Art Library at the V&A and private tour of the collections. Admission is free. No registration is required.
The Book History Research Network [Lien]
Institute of English Studies [Lien]
IRHT : Histoire des bibliothèques
La section de Codicologie, histoire des bibliothèques et héraldique de l’IRHT organise un séminaire-atelier consacré aux recherches en cours sur les bibliothèques du haut Moyen Âge à la fin du XVIIIe siècle.
Le séminaire HBA (Histoire Bibliothèques Anciennes) est ouvert à tous. Il a lieu tous les deux mois, le vendredi matin de 10h à 12h30, à l’IRHT, 40 avenue d’Iéna, Paris 16e, salle Jeanne Vielliard.
§ 26 octobre 2007 : la bibliothèque du collège de Sorbonne
Claire Angotti, Les origines de la bibliothèque du collège de la Sorbonne (1257- 1290).
Gilbert Fournier, Histoire, vocations et enjeux de la bibliothèque commune du collège de Sorbonne au tournant des XIIIe et XIVe siècles.
§ 14 décembre 2007 : livres de juristes
Charles Vulliez, La circulation des livres à Orléans dans la première moitié du XVe siècle à partir des registres des notaires.
Florence Fournier & Marie-Elisabeth Boutroue, Les tribulations des livres de la grande Chancellerie de France.
§ 8 février 2008 : deux bibliothèques cisterciennes
Marie-Françoise Damongeot – François Bougard – Pierre Petitmengin, Regards croisés sur les bibliothèques de Cîteaux et de Vauluisant.
§ 4 avril 2008 : les bibliothèques byzantines
Pierre Augustin, Les inventaires de bibliothèques avant la prise de Constantinople.
Matthieu Cassin, La bibliothèque de Métrophane III, un exemple dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle.
§ 20 juin 2008 : les bibliothèques mendiantes
Christine Gadrat, Les documents sur les bibliothèques mendiantes de France : état des lieux et perspectives.
François Dolbeau, Un nouveau catalogue médiéval de bibliothèque dominicaine française.
Le livre d’heures revisité ~ The Book of Hours Re-examined
Colloque international
International Colloquium
Samedi 22 septembre 2007/ Saturday, September 22, 2007
Ecole du Louvre, Palais du Louvre,
Porte Jaujard,
Amphithéâtre Dürer
75001 Paris
Dans le cadre de l’exposition Peindre la piété: le livre d’heures [Lien] présentée par la librairie Les Eluminures est organisé un colloque international, dont voici le programme:
9:00 Coffee, Registration (pre-registration required)
Morning session Chair and Welcoming Remarks: Sandra Hindman
9:30 Session I Fleurons de l’histoire des livres d’heures / Some Famous Books of Hours Reconsidered
Roger S. Wieck, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York « The Hours of Catherine of Cleves: The Manuscript that Changed the World »
Eberhard König, Freie Universität Berlin « Twins in Attribution: The Case of the Grandes Heures de Rohan–A New Fashion or a Means to Better Understanding? »
10:30 Session II Paris capitale du livre / Paris Center of Book Production
Marie-Françoise Damongeot, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris « La circulation des modèles iconographiques: l’exemple d’un livre d’heures parisien (BNF N.a.l. 3115) »
Thierry Claerr, Direction du livre et de la lecture, Paris « L’édition d’Heures du 21 avril 1505, une oeuvre charnière dans la production de Thielman Kerver? »
Richard Rouse, University of California, Los Angeles « The Post-Mortem Inventory of a Parisian Sixteenth-Century Illuminator »
12:15 Lunch Break AFTERNOON SESSION Chair: Ariane Bergeron-Foote 1:15 Session I Questions autour des ateliers de livres d’heures / Workshops and the Study of Books of Hours
Marc Gil, Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille 3 « Picardie-Hainaut: quelques remarques sur certains livres d’heures produits au temps de Marmion et de ses successeurs immédiats »
Saskia van Bergen, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague « The Moerdrecht Masters and the Use of Stamps in Bruges Book Production »
Klara Broekhuijsen, University of Amsterdam « Decoration Programmes in Books of Hours by the Masters of the Dark Eyes »
2:45 Session II Les enlumineurs : études de cas / Some Individual Illuminators: Case Studies
Thierry Delcourt, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris « Un livre d’heures à l’usage de Troyes enluminé par Jean Colombe »
Anne Margreet W. As-Vijvers, Independent Scholar, The Netherlands « Manuscript Production in a Carmelite Convent: Cornelia von Wulfskercke and The Rokeghem Hours »
Mara Hofmann, The National Gallery, London « Matteo de Milano and The Hours of Dionora of Urbino (London, British Library, Yates Thompson 7) »
4:15 Synthèse et table ronde /Conclusion and round table
James Marrow, Princeton University and Stella Panayotova, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
6:00 Cocktail-visite de l’exposition Peindre la piété: Le livre d’heures
Cocktail and visit of the exhibition Picturing Piety: The Book of Hours
Le Louvre des Antiquaires
2 Place du Palais-Royal
75001 Paris
Tel. 33 1 42 60 15 58
Fax 33 1 41 15 00 25
Illustration: Heures de Jacques de Bréguille, Belgium, Brussels?, c. 1440-1450.
Site [En ligne]
The Treasured Hunt: Collecting Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Past, Present, and Future
On November 2, 2007, the University of Pennsylvania and the Free Library of Philadelphia will present the following all-day symposium:
The Treasured Hunt: Collecting Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Past, Present, and Future
This symposium explores the motivations behind the collecting of manuscript books through case studies of historic collectors presented by scholars and by hearing from contemporary collectors themselves in a roundtable discussion. Speakers include:
~ Gifford Combs, Private Collector
~ Derick Dreher, Director, The Rosenbach Museum & Library: Of Private Collectors and Public Libraries: Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach and John Frederick Lewis [Lien]
~ Consuelo W. Dutschke, Curator of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Columbia University [Lien]
~ Richard Linenthal, Antiquarian Bookseller, Bernard Quaritch Ltd
~ William Noel, Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books, The Walters Art Museum [Lien]
~ David Rundle, History Faculty and Corpus Christi College, Oxford University: The Butcher of England and the Renaissance Arts of Book-Collecting
~ Lawrence J. Schoenberg, Private Collector [Lien]
~ Claire Richter Sherman, Research Associate Emerita, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art : The Manuscript Collection of King Charles V of France: The Personal and the Political
~ Toshiyuki Takamiya, Private Collector, Keio University [Lien]
~ James Tanis, Director of Libraries and Professor of History Emeritus, Bryn Mawr College: Migrating Manuscripts
~ Christopher de Hamel, Gaylord Donnelley Fellow Librarian, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University:The Manuscript Collection of C. L. Ricketts (1859-1941) [Lien]
The symposium will be followed by a reception at the Arthur Ross Gallery in the Fisher Fine Arts Library, featuring the exhibition \ »Treasured Pages: Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts from the Collections of the Free Library of Philadelphia\ » (on view from October 12, 2007, to January 6, 2008).
Programme [En ligne]
Enregistrement [En ligne]
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean, School of Arts & Sciences of the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Pennsylvania Libraries, the Department of the History of Art of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
FLP: Medieval manuscripts [En ligne]
Illustration: Free Library of Philadelphia, ms Lewis E185. Lewis Psalter. Paris, ca 1225/1250. Détail du f. 3r. Nativité. © Free Library of Philadelphia.