12 Jan 2010
Jean-Luc Deuffic

Castellanie. Exercices de paléographie

Le site Comptes des châtellenies savoyardes castellanie.net a pour vocation de mettre à disposition du public la documentation comptable locale des anciens Etats de Savoie. L’objectif est – au terme de l’entreprise – de rendre consultable sur un site unique cette abondante documentation actuellement répartie dans plusieurs dépôts d’archives. Le site, qui sera progressivement enrichi, donne aujourd’hui accès aux comptes de châtellenies du XIIIe siècle conservés aux Archives départementales de Savoie (dont ils constituent un des fonds les plus emblématiques) et aux Archives départementales de la Côte-d’Or (qui conservent les comptes des châtellenies bressanes). De même, il offre plusieurs exercices de paléographie

To help students and amateur palaeographers learning how to read the mediaeval handwriting in the Savoyard account rolls, the Castellanie.net project decided to propose some online palaeography interactive exercises. You can access them from the main site, or directly at this URL (4 exercises available now, more to come soon)
For the creation of these exercises, I wanted a workflow that would involve as few technical skills as possible (and possibly a total independence from web designers for the palaeographers creating exercises), while conforming to the main technical standards. So, I created a \ »palaeography exercise\ » kit (an XSL + CSS + javascript kit) to customize the excellent \ »Image Markup Tool\ », a free software. This kit is now available online, on the Image Markup Tool website, under \ »Paleography\ », with some instructions on how to install and use. Like IMT, this kit is free, and you can use it and adapt it to your needs.

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