St Laurentius digital manuscript library
La Bibliothèque universitaire de Lund (Suède) met en ligne plusieurs dizaines de manuscrits numérisés dont plusieurs proviennent de France, avec description précise et bibliographie. A remarquer le ms 38, Bréviaire à l’usage de Saint-Julien de Tours (XVe s., 138 f., 175 x 120 mm), portant ex-libris au f. 1r : Breviarium ad usum monasterii S. Juliani Turonensis Congr. Sti Mauri.
\ »Other parts of the collection have come to the library through donations, acquisitions and testaments. Here are books by Classical authors like Cicero and Virgil, by post-classical writers like Boethius and by medieval theologians like Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure. Here are the divine revelations of the Swedish 14th century saint Bridget, Danish and Swedish law texts as well as a Faroese manuscript with the so called Seydhabrevidh, a famous letter on sheep husbandry. We also find a copy of the Legenda Aurea, a collection of saints’ lives, of accounts of events in the lives of Christ and of the Virgin Mary and of information about holy days, by Jacobus de Voragine, very popular during the Middle Ages and a few copies of the medieval bestseller, the Book of Hours. The famous so called Lundse liederen, a fragment of a Dutch \ »Minnesänger\ » of the 13th century is also part of the collection. Deposited at the University Library by the Institute of Astronomy in Lund are several astronomical treatises, about the movements of the planets with descriptions of instruments with movable, threedimensional plans and diagrams. A few manuscripts are in other languages than Latin: Greek, Russian, Dutch, German, French apart from the Nordic already mentioned…
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Auteur du blog : Jean-Luc DEUFFIC