21 Mar 2013
Jean-Luc Deuffic

25 mars 2013 : Jornada internacional de estudos antonianos : Stº António de Lisboa

The workshop aim is to present the most recent results of research on saint Anthony of Lisbon. It will focus on different aspects of his figure, from life and work to devotion in the Middle Ages and in popular culture. In a one day workshop, the participants will present either the results of the newest historiography, moving basically from the years that followed the big congress Pensamento e Testemunho in 1995, either to introduce new topics for the study of Saint Anthony’s figure. Moreover, the participants are asked to activate, or better reactivate a connection among their institutions and the Gabinete de Filosofia Medievale of Porto to improve the internationalization of this field of study in a prospective of enlargement of common interests.

PROGRAMME sur le site de l’Institut de philosophie

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